Are you looking for a Chiropractor in San Jose?

San Jose Chiropractor, Serving the community since 1991.

Are you looking for a Chiropractor in San Jose?

San Jose Chiropractor, Serving the community since 1991.

Welcome to San Jose Auto Injury Clinic

Dr. Ahmad Rafii has been in practice for approximately 20 years. His primary practice focus is on treatment of patients who have been injured in car accidents. He has treated thousands of the car accident victims.

He has acted as an expert witness in numerous car accident cases over the years. He is a trained chiropractic physician in the use of modalities, traction, spinal and extremity manipulation, foot orthotics, and nutrition.

He has experience in treating both acute and chronic conditions as his patient load has always been a mix of people injured in sports, auto accidents and on-the-job, as well as the recreational weekend warrior who has stretched their physical limits.

Why Patients Need to See a Doctor After a Car Accident

Even “fender-benders” can cause hidden injuries that can develop into pain, headaches, and arthritis. Even worse, most people who have been involved in an auto accident may not even know that they’ve been hurt.


Have you or someone you know been injured in an auto accident and told it is whiplash? Such injuries are painful and can be persistent.

Car Accidents

Don’t be a Victim Twice! Even “fender-benders” can cause hidden injuries that can develop into pain, headaches, and arthritis.

Se Habla Español

Español Accidentes de Automóvil quiropráctico ayudar a quienes padecen de dolor de cuello , dolores de cabeza y dolor de espalda.

Auto Injuries Informational Videos


If you are unsure if you have chiropractic coverage, please don’t hesitate to call our office at (408) 295-5559 to see if we accept your insurance.

  • United Health Care, Blue Shield, Blue Cross, Aetna, Prudential and Anthem.
  • Most other Insurances accepted
  • Affordable cash payment plans
  • Most major credit cards accepted
  • Auto/Work accidents (will bill your insurance and attorney)

We accept auto accidents and work related injuries. We have many flexible payment plans for those who need them. We also accept all major credit cards for your convenience.

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    San Jose Chiropractor, Serving the community since 1991

    The chiropractic approach to these types of injuries is to use specific chiropractic adjustments to help return spinal function. After a thorough case history and examination, the doctor will recommend any necessary care to help restore proper motion and position of spinal bones.

    Dr. Rafii’s Credentials

    • He acted as an past qualified medical examiner in state of California
    • Independent medical examiner in car accident cases.
    • Industrial disability examiner

    He is Certified in:

    • Advanced whiplash treatment
    • Low speed accident re-constructionist
    • Collision re-constructionist


    • Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer West.
    • Board eligible Chiropractic Sports Physician.
    • Certified Collision Re-Constructionist from Texas A&M University System.
    • Past Qualified Medical Evaluator (Industrial Medical Council)
    • Industrial Disability Evaluator
    • Treated thousands of patient involved in Work Related Injuries or Whiplash Injuries.
    • Testified as an expert witness in Work or Whiplash Injuries.

    How Can We Help? Here are some common conditions seen and treated by our chiropractor at San Jose Auto Injury Clinic: